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Executive Committee Members

SVT President  - Kamran Modaresi

London Northwest University Hospitals Trust

I have been involved in Vascular disease / Ultrasound since 1988 and have been a member of the SVT since the very beginning.

I currently work in the Vascular Imaging Unit at LNWUHT. Our unit falls under the same umbrella as Vascular Surgery and Interventional Radiology.  This interdisciplinary collaboration and work environment enables our Clinical Vascular Scientists to be an integral part of the decision making and treatment process for our patient group. I believe that this is the way forward for our combined societies.

I have previously held the post of treasurer and I am part of the Professional Standards Committee. I am honoured to be able to step into the President’s role and look forward to supporting our Society with the help of all the Executive Committee members.

Outside of work I enjoy restoring and showing classic cars as well as gardening.


Vice President - Dr Steven Rogers

The University of Manchester & Manchester University NHS FT

Steven is the UK’s first NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Vascular Science and is hosted by The University of Manchester with honorary Senior Clinical Vascular Scientist status at Manchester University NHS FT where he sees patients two days per week.

Steven has completed a PGCert and gained AVS in 2014 before completing a PhD in 3D ultrasound. Steven was a founding member of the SVT Research Committee, joined the Executive Committee in 2020, became Conference Secretary in 2021 and has previously organised the vascular stream of the BMUS ASM twice.

Steven’s research focuses on all aspects of vascular ultrasound, but in particular 3D and contrast-enhanced ultrasound and their role in prevention and surgical planning. He currently co-supervises 3 PhD and 1 MPhil students with grant income >£3 million. Steven regularly reviews potential manuscripts and grant applications for leading international Journals and the BHF having previously advised NICE and industry.

As visiting lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, Steven teaches on and examines for the MSc (STP) and DClinSci (part of HSST) awards and is part of the court of examiners for the ESVS Certificate in Ultrasound Competency. In 2016, Steven was awarded Ann Donald Scientist of the year, has achieved Certificate of Merits at Charing Cross Symposium in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and has previously been awarded best scientific presentation at two SVT ASM’s.

Outside of work, Steven enjoys sailing and rock climbing.


SVT Past President - Emma Waldegrave

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

I continue to work clinically and thoroughly enjoy my professional role, while also raising my two children aged 11 and 12.  

Having spent almost 11 years on the Executive Committee in various roles such as Conference Secretary, BMUS representative, Vice president and most recently President, I am now the past President of the SVT. 

It is a great honour to have been the President I I made it a successful term with increased access to education and training for both junior and advanced practitioners alike among other goals.

I would like to thank my fellow committee members across all four committees for their help and their consistent hard work. Without the voluntary work of our committee members the SVT would not be the esteemed professional voice it is today. 


Chair of the Research Committee - Isaac Colliver



Chair of the Professional Standards Committee

Jo Walker

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

I work full time as Chief Clinical Vascular Scientist & Vascular Studies Unit Manager at the Leicester Vascular Institute. I enjoy the variety clinical work, management and developing our specialist services in our IQIPS accredited VSU.  I started working in 2001 University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust as a Vascular Technician, and gained full AVS accreditation in 2005 working as a Clinical Vascular Scientist.

I have been involved with the SVT since 2008 on the Education Committee, 2010-13 on the Exec Committee (President in 2011), and have now happy to returned to SVT by accepting a role on the PSC in 2021. I am very honoured to take on a co-chair role of the Professional Standards Committee. I have a keen interest in quality and standards and hope to share this with the PSC and membership.

Since 2014 I have worked with UKAS as an assessor for IQIPS Service Accreditation, and with the National School for Healthcare Science as an Equivalence Assessor for a number of years.

Outside of work I enjoy riding my pony, mountain biking with my family, and snowboard holidays.


Chair of the Education Committee - Hannah Williamson

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

I am a Clinical Vascular Scientist employed in the Vascular Studies department at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust where I work full time alongside my post as an Improvement Leader Fellow with the NIHR Applied Reasearch Collaboration in Northwest London. I trained at The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust where I completed the Scientist Training Programme in 2016 and hold HCPC registration as a Clinical Scientist. I continued working at The Royal Free until the beginning of 2023, gaining my SVT AVS qualification in 2018 and progressing to the role of Training Coordinator in 2020. 

I became involved in the SVT Education Committee in 2020 and was previously co-officer for practical exams before I became Chair of the Committee in August 2023 following on from Hannah Lines. The Education Committee is a fantastic and dedicated team who work tirelessly to run the education side of the SVT including the production and organisation of the theory and practical exams, running various study days and training courses, monitoring and audit of CPD and the provision of online CPD questions. We have regular input into various external national courses and curricula and provide advice and networking for trainees and training staff. 

When I'm not at work, I spend most of my time with my family and friends, going to the theatre and visiting new places, usually via a long old walk.


Treasurer – Ben Freedman 

King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 

After graduating from my BSc biomedical science at Sheffield University I began training as a Vascular Technologist at King's College Hospital in 2001. I then gained my SVT accreditation (AVS) and graduated from my MSc in Medical ultrasound from KCL in 2004. I more recently passed the HCPC equivalence process for registration as Clinical Scientist in 2016 and then completed the Mary Seacole Award with the NHS leadership academy in 2019. 

I currently manage the Vascular Lab at the Denmark Hill site of King's College Hospital and also hold the post of Honorary Senior Lecturer for the ultrasound programme at King's College London.

I have been on the SVT executive committee since 2018.



Membership Secretary - Lynne McRae

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


After gaining a degree in Anatomy from Liverpool I started training as a Vascular Scientist in Charing Cross Hospital. I qualified in 1997 and moved to Cheltenham, but returned home to Wales in 2000 where I now work for Aneurin Bevan Healthboard - covering 4 hospitals in the South East of Wales.

I have been on the Education Commitee, had a previous stint on the Executive committee and I am now the Membership secretary.

Outside of work I am mother to 3 teenagers and 3 dogs all of which keep me very busy, not to mention a connoisseur of gin at weekends.


Website Secretary - Rob James

Tomorrow Cardiovascular

I began my training in Vascular Science at Peterborough City Hospital in 2016, graduating from Vascular Scientific Training Programme (STP) in 2019 and achieving SVT accreditation (AVS) in 2020. I then spent 4 years at the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foudation Trust, where I completed the Mary Seacole Award and became the lead Vascular Scientist. I have since joined the team at Tomorrow Cardiovascular as an Academic Clinical Fellow within the Manchester University NHS FT. 

I joined the SVT executive committee as the website secretary in 2022. Within this role I am responsible for the SVT website content and structure, communications with the membership, managing our social media channels and monitoring our main email account ( I will always aim to reply to your queries ias fast as possible. 

Outside of work I have a keen interest in football, tennis, padel, golf and skiing. 


Conference Secretary - Klaus Bond

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

I am the Chief Vascular Scientist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, which is the hub for Thames Valley Vascular Network, and have been a member of the SVT since 1996. I have a chequered career spanning medical electronics and clinical engineering including researching and developing intrauterine foetal monitoring devices, hospital and community equipment management, and of course, vascular science.

My vascular career started in 1996 as vascular technologist employed to establish and run a new DGH Vascular Studies Unit starting out with a good old ATL UM9 machine set up behind a curtain in a day surgery unit. Learning the role in those days was challenging and predominantly self-taught with help from colleagues in other centres, and a handful of books! I will always be in debt to the Leicester team, particularly Tim Hartshorne and Abigail Thrush for allowing me to spend time with them occasionally to see how it was done.

I have a keen interest in training and education and am pleased to have been involved with the NSHCS and the STP since 2012, contributing to recruitment shortlisting and interviewing, and the recent curriculum review. I am proud to have played a part in training 6 STP trainees so far who have gone on to exciting careers. I am currently on secondment to the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Integrated Care System (ICS) as their Healthcare Sciences Workforce Programme Director.

Other non-work-related interests include being a School Governor and Town Councillor.


Newsletter Editor - Jeny Anton

King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 

After my undergraduate degree in Human Sciences at King’s College London and completing a MSc in Infection and Immunity at UCL, I decided to take a trainee position as a Clinical Vascular Scientist at Watford General Hospital where I received my AVS accreditation in 2016. I have a keen interest in education and research and have regularly taught at the SVT study days in Coventry. As of 2024, I work full time as a Senior Vascular Scientist at King’s College Hospital.

Outside of work, I spend most of my time with friends and family, I like to travel and to keep active and challenge myself every now and then by doing things like the Everest Base Camp trek.

As newsletter editor I am constantly looking for content from our membership to include in the quarterly publication. If you have any interesting case studies, reviews or news that would be of interest to your fellow SVT members then please email


Executive Committee Secretary - Janine Fletcher

University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Originally from Northern Ireland I completed my undergraduate degree in Physiology at the University of Glasgow in 2010.  After various (non-scientific!) jobs I decided to go back to study for an MSc in Medical Diagnostics at Cranfield University, Bedfordshire. 

During this time I was accepted onto the STP as a trainee vascular scientist going straight on from my masters to start my vascular career at Royal Bournemouth Hospital in September 2013.  I was in the 3rd cohort of STP trainees so it was still a fairly new programme and not widely known about.

I became a fully-fledged vascular scientist in 2016, staying on in my department in Bournemouth where I still am today.  I am very passionate in my role as a vascular scientist taking an active part in the training of subsequent STP trainees and getting involved in departmental quality meetings.

After some delay (due to motherhood and Covid!) I finally passed my SVT practical exam in April 2021.  I am excited to be involved with the committee and learn the ropes as a non-portfolio member.

When I’m not at work I like to spend time with my husband and little boy.  I also enjoy playing netball and cooking when I get the chance!


BMUS representative- Tanyah Ewen

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust